Identity and Website Owner

Dragon Elements S.L.U., with CIF B75608729, owner and manager of this website, registered in the Commercial Registry of Valencia, S 8, H V 222724, I/A 1 (26.12.24), and with address at C/ GUARDIA CIVIL 9 Esc.DE 1 D, 46020, Valencia, Spain.

Dragon Elements manages through its website a platform for displaying and indicating offered services.

We provide you with this information so that you know firsthand who is responsible for this site and how you can contact us, and also because these conditions constitute a contract between Dragon Elements and you regarding the use of this website in compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002LSSI-CE.

Terms of Use

You should know that this is a contract.

Browsing these websites attributes to you, from the beginning, the condition of user and will be considered express, voluntary, and unconditional acceptance.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Who owns the contents of this website?

The website and the information or elements contained therein are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, of which Dragon Elements is the owner.

The Dragon Elements logo and its trade name are registered and/or owned by Dragon Elements.

Privacy, Data Protection, and Cookies

These websites comply with current data protection regulations.

Dragon Elements, in compliance with the Spanish regulations on personal data protection, guarantees full compliance with the obligations established in the current GDPR.

Reservation of the Right to Modify the Terms of Use

Dragon Elements may modify these conditions at any time, considering the evolution of this website and the content offered on it, reserving the right to modify, add or delete at any time and unilaterally some of these Terms of Use, if deemed necessary, either for legal reasons, technical reasons, or due to changes in the services provided or in the nature or layout of the Website, without any obligation to notify or inform the user of such modifications, being understood as sufficient their publication on the website itself.